Who Is Kim Krause Berg?

Kim Krause Berg taught herself a career in building and marketing web sites when she was a single mother of two young children. She launched her first website in 1994 and was hired to design and maintain websites for a local computer magazine publisher a year later.

A pioneer in search engine optimization techniques in the late 1990’s, her passion for user experience became known as Holistic UX and SEO. She launched Cre8pc.com in 1996 as an SEO teaching site and in 1998 founded Cre8asiteforums, the first global forums to discuss web design, SEO, usability and accessibility topics. It closed 20 years later, May 25, 2018. She taught Basic Website Usability at the Search Engine College (now closed) for 12 years.

Today she specializes in website accessibility as an SME and advocate. She earned the highly distinguished IAAP CPACC Certification. She has found a rewarding accessibility position with Bread Financial.

This website is where she puts things so she remembers what she did.

Kim Krause Berg is the Mother of the SEO Industry

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